The Western Wood Truss Association of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Western Ontario (WWTA-MB/SK/NWO) was formed in January of 1984.
The founding principles of the association at the time were:
To develop and establish uniform standards for the design, manufacture and quality of plate-metal connected prefabricated wood trusses.
To serve the needs of manufacturers of prefabricated wood trusses by representation on various committees of recognized organizations dealing with building codes and standards.
To promote prefabricated wood trusses for use in residential, commercial industrial and other buildings by architects, engineers, governmental agencies and the general public.
Now, after four decades of activity the WWTA has 42 members representing 26 truss plants and 16 associate members.
Members of the WWTA participate:
In a quality control program as a requirement of membership. The program is administered by an independent third party inspector.
In bi-annual technical meetings that provide members with information on the most current truss-design trends and provide a forum to discuss various issues relevant to the truss industry.
In various local and national committees including the Canadian Wood Truss Association (CWTA) and the Truss Plate Institute of Canada (TPIC).