Acadia Community Truss
Carberry MB ROK OHO
Contact: Lowell Hofer
Tel: 866-834-3208
Fax: 204-834-3861
Cell: 204-841-0780
Contact: Lowell Hofer
Email: Lowell@communitytruss.ca
Email: Conrad@communitytruss.ca
All Fab Building Components Winnipeg
1755 Dugald Rd.,
Winnipeg MB R2V OH3
Tel: 204-661-8880
Fax: 204-661-6973
All Fab Building Components Brandon
391 Park Avenue East
Brandon MB R7A 7A5
Tel: 204-661-8880
Fax: 204-661-6973 Contact: Garry Roehr
Email: groehr@all-fab.com
Clearspan Truss
Box 273,
Winkler MB R6W 4A5
Phone: 204-325-7634
Fax: 204-325-8188
Contact: Andy Guenter
Email: andy.guenter@clearspan.ca
Gang Nail Trusses and Bldg. Components
P.O. Box 480,
Pilot Butte SK SOG 3ZO
Phone: 306-781-4535
Fax: 306-781-4842
Contact: Dennis Zelinski
Email: dennis@gangnailtruss.ca,
72 Routledge Avenue
Headingley, MB R4H 1C7
Phone: 431-275-2445
Contact: Harry Engel
Email: Harry@NorspanTruss.com
Manu-Fab Building Components (2016) Ltd.
Box 1051,
Phone: 204-267-5300
Fax: 204-267-2635
Contact: Randy Waldner
Email: rwaldner@manufab16.ca
Nu-Fab Building Components Saskatoon
701-45th St. West,
Saskatoon SK S7L 5W5
Phone: 306-244-7119
Fax: 306-244-0553
Contact: Scott Bradshaw
Email: scott.bradshaw@nufab.com
Nu-Fab Regina
610 Henderson Drive,
Regina SK S4N 5X3
Phone: 306-721-8131
Fax: 306-721-2562
Contact: Scott Bradshaw
Email: scott.bradshaw@nufab.com
Penn-Truss Mfg. Co.
Box 418,
Saltcoats SK SOA 3RO
Phone: 306-744-2403
Fax: 306-744-8141
Contact: Colin Penner/Charles
Email: pentruss@imagewireless.ca
Prairie Truss (Manitoba)
Box 396,
Stonewall Mb ROC 2ZO
Phone: 204-467-9597
Fax: 204- 467-2090
Contact: Derek Small
Prairie Truss & Fabricating Ltd.
Box 178,
Annaheim Sk S0K 0G0
Phone: 306-598-4211
Fax: 306-598-2060
Contact: Murray Stammen
Email: Murray_ptruss@bogend.ca
South Central Building Systems
170, 2nd St. N.E., Box 328,
Carman, MB R0G 0J0
Phone: 204-745-6677
Fax: 888-519-1424
Contact: Brett Richardson
Email: brett.richardson@southcentralaep.ca
Span-Rite Truss
PO. Box 174,
13250 #5 HWY North,
Cartwright Mb ROK OLO
Phone: 204-529-2690
Fax: 204-529-2121
Contact: Jerry Warkentin
Email: jerry@spanrite.ca
Star Truss Systems
1700 Molson St.,
Winnipeg MB R2G 4H3
Phone: 204-669-4600
Fax: 204-654-9330
Contact: Patrick O’Brien
Email: patrick.obrien@starbuilding.ca
TIM-BR-FAB – Dauphin
Box 870, Highway #10,
South Dauphin MB R7N 2V4
Phone: 204-638-9601
Toll-Free: 888-638-9601
Fax: 204-622-7056
Contact: George Carriere
Email: gcarriere@timbrfab.com
TIM-BR-FAB – Oak Bluff
165 Industrial Road,
Oak Bluff, MB R4G 0A5
Phone: 204-888-7663
Contact: Earl Kellner
Email: ekellner@timbrfab.com
Truss Fab Inc.
540 Caron Road,
Headingley, MB R4H 1B4
Phone: 204-453-6535
Toll Free 877-300-3206
Fax: 204-888-4313
Contact: Rod Falk
Email: rod@trussfabinc.com
Truss T Manufacturing Ltd.
R.R. # 1, Box 3,
Regina SK S4P 2Z1
Phone: 306-545-6101
Fax: 306-543-2877
Contact:Jason Hubick
Email: truss.t@sasktel.net
Warman Truss Mfg.
Box 1000, South Railway St W.,
Warman SK SOK 4SO
Phone: 306-933-9911
Fax: 306-933-4433
Contact: Justin Gavin
Email: justing@warmantruss.com
ZyTech Building Systems (sask) Inc.
5 Cory Place, RM of Corman Park,
Saskatoon SK S7K 5Y2
Phone: 306-477-3232
Fax: 306-477-3233
Cell: 306-713-2977
Contact: Kevin Wiebe Branch Manager
Email: kevinw@zytechtruss.com
Westman Building Components
18 Myers Road
Brandon MB R7A 4S8
Phone: 204 – 727 – 1358
Contact: Justin Henry
Email: justin@westmanbuildingcomponents.ca
Westwood Truss
1133 Ominica St. East
Moose Jaw SK. S6H 0G6
Phone: 306-694-1511
Contact: John Redstone
Email: john.r@wwtruss.ca